Posts Tagged ‘ PLus Sized Models ’

Watch Out: Plus Sized Models Conquer V Magazine

If Italian Vogue can dedicate an issue to black underrepresented super models why can’t V Magazine do the same for Plus Size models?  Well they have and so far so STYLISTIC!

As you may or may not know not too long ago super dope photorapher Terry Richardson (he did Obama, Amy Winehouse and more) did a shoot titles “One Fitx All” of model and author Crystal Renn and Spring’s new it model Jacquelyn Jablonski to show that style fits any size with them modeling identical looks of Spring 2010.

Well V Magazine took that concept and ran with it showing that beauty is not determined based on size but but the ability to exude confidence and I’m the Sugar Honey Ice in the Tea attitude to the lens. Below are some photos and dammit these ladies are working it!




Now to just incorporate plus sized models in fashion runway, magazines etc. and then society can learn to embrace beauty of all shapes, colors and the term insecurity can be a thing of the past.

Stylistically yours,

The Stylistic Approach Team — yup we follow back!